09 September 2008

Happy birthday to me :)

I woke up this morning to my phone buzzing. Now, normally I’m REALLY not a fan of being woken up by the phone- it usually means that it’s 3am and someone’s in jail, in the hospital, suicidal, or broken down on the side of the road. But this was a sunshiney birthday morning and on the other end of the line was the ever-wonderful Suzanne SexySadist. Suz. One of my favorite people in the world, beginning my day with birthday felicitations and a few minutes to catch up. I got up and made tea as we chatted, then sat back and enjoyed catching up. She is a truly amazing woman, and busier than a cat with a dozen kittens. Gentlemen, if you’re looking for a truly unique and incredible proDomme experience in the upper New York area, I strongly encourage you to contact this lovely and talented lady. Ok, end plug. Anyway, it was a really lovely way to wake up.

Until, of course, I looked at my phone and realized that somehow it had become an hour later than I thought, and I was due in class in 10 minutes. School is 30 minutes away.

Oops. So Jack and I had a leisurely morning missing our first class and having a one of my favorite blends of tea- Tropical Blend by Elmwood Inn- with homemade sausage bread. And yes, by homemade, I mean that I made it. I finally realized that the breadmaker I’ve had for 2 years works and I can use it. So yesterday I made honey-wheat bread with chipotle sausage baked into it.

And now I’m happily blogging in my US Constitution class, between rounds of agreement and sparring with the instructor about interpretations of the Bill of Rights. I’ll be updating this as my birthday goes on :)

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